Posting your First Job with SCALIS.

Permission Policy: Super Admins, HR Users with Job Posting Access.

1. On the top right corner of your Dashboard, click the paper + icon

2. You will be navigated to the steps necessary to post your job. First, you will enter in your Job Information.


3. Once satisfied with all the fields, click Next


4. Determine the office location, start typing the address and select an option from below to auto fill the remainder of the address.


5. Next you will enter in your Job Descriptions. First will be your external / public job post that will be visible to candidates.


6. On the same page below, will be where you enter your internal description. This can be a more specific version of the external post, mainly for strengthening your match algorithm.


7. Then you will enter in your Employee Preferences. This will help match better applicants to your listings.


8. Next step is adding skills and expertise. These are very vital to matching qualified applicants to your jobs. The more skills added the better. Click "Add skills and expertises" to begin.


9. Name the skill, the number of Years of Experience required, and the Level.


10. Click "Save"

11. If you want to add more, click "Add skills and expertises" again.

12. Lastly, will be to add your screening questions.

13. Name the Screening Questions, and then in the textbox write out the question.

14. Determine the question type, and then decide if you would like to auto reject the candidate based on their answer.

15. If you choose to auto-reject, a pop up will appear for you to enter a message that will be sent to the candidate. Then press "Save".

16. Finally, you will see a preview of your external job post.

17. Once satisfied, Click "Post Job"

18. Your Job will now be live on the SCALIS Job Board and you can access it through your Job Dashboard.